Motion Is Awesome : Streamline Your Time Management

Motion App uses an AI algorithm to place your tasks on your calendar at the best times. If you do not complete a task, Motion will automatically move it to the next optimal time.

Many users see Motion as a one-stop shop for managing their time. They add personal and work calendars, share booking availabilities through the Booking feature, manage projects, and keep their to-do list in Motion.

Motion is mainly a web and desktop application designed for use on a computer. There is also a mobile app for Android and iOS for adding tasks on the go.

Motion’s users are busy professionals who juggle many roles and responsibilities. They often switch between meetings and tasks. Examples include marketing managers with many personal and work tasks, owners of multiple businesses, and entrepreneurs with a side hustle like leadership coaching.

Motion offers both light mode and dark mode on the desktop and web app. The mobile app is available only in light mode.