Twitter Policy

Effective November 7th, we are no longer using Twitter to publish about Web321 Marketing and what we are doing.

With the management, ownership and policy changes at Twitter, we feel it is not in the best interest of our company nor the interest of our client websites to use Twitter for promotion and communication.  We are not deactivating our Twitter account, but we will leave it inert: not replying to messages or content, nor generating new content into the foreseeable future.

Given recent events, we do not think the Twitter platform is managed in a fashion that will foster its success or growth. Twitter account holders who put time into creating content and engaging through that platform may be investing their efforts in a platform with an unknown lifespan or capacity for audience reach.

Should the policies, practices and management of Twitter change in the future, we will re-evaluate our position.

At the request of any of our clients, we will, free of charge, remove linkage to their active Twitter profile. If they choose to deactivate their Twitter account, or like us, let their account go fallow, that is the choice of our client.

Any Twitter account holder who feels as we do are welcome to re-use as much of the text of this notice as they wish.