Local SEO

Local SEO

Local SEO differs significantly from regular SEO, which typically targets a national audience. The key difference is in the search intent and geographical targeting. For instance, when someone types “best SEO company Vancouver BC” versus “top SEO companies,” the former query is focused on finding SEO services within a specific locality, whereas the latter is a broader, national search.

For local businesses that provide services or sell products within a specific area, it’s essential to prioritize local SEO. This approach ensures that your business appears in search results when potential customers in your vicinity are looking for your services. Competing for local keywords is generally more manageable and effective than targeting highly competitive national keywords.

For example, if you own a digital marketing agency in Vancouver, BC, you would focus on optimizing for keywords such as “SEO services Vancouver,” “digital marketing Vancouver,” or “Vancouver SEO experts.” These terms help your business appear in local search results, attracting customers who are specifically looking for services in Vancouver.

Local SEO also involves optimizing your Google My Business profile, ensuring your business information is accurate and up-to-date, and encouraging customer reviews. These factors significantly influence your local search rankings.

When someone searches for “SEO services” from Vancouver, the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) will likely show a mix of local businesses and high-ranking national companies. However, the local intent of the search means that Google will prioritize displaying local results, especially if the searcher is looking for nearby services. This local prioritization helps small businesses compete against larger, national companies by targeting the local audience more effectively.