7 WordPress Maintenance Services in 2023

by | Jul 14, 2023 | Business

Each website is different: no single WordPress care package will be the best option in every case. To determine which maintenance service is best for you in 2023, you’ll have to consider the strengths of each option and how they will apply to your situation.

According to Mailchimp:

Website maintenance is the process of keeping a website up-to-date and running smoothly as well as performing optimally. Website maintenance includes tasks like ensuring all the links on your site are working, regularly updating content, and fixing any broken links. It also involves more general housekeeping tasks like backing up your site regularly and monitoring your site’s performance.

Do you only need routine maintenance to handle mundane tasks like updates and backups? Would developer support help improve your website? Or do you want active monitoring to warn you in case your website goes down? The most compelling argument to have a maintenance plan: it’s one less headache if you hire a maintenance service to handle your website.

Let’s compare the best WordPress maintenance services for 2023 and find the perfect fit for your needs. Full disclosure: these are 6 competitors referenced along side of our services. We hope you see the list, compare the services and decide to work with Web321.

WP Buffs  

WP Buffs is an attractive option because of its flexibility. With five different plans available, you can scale the service as your site grows to suit your evolving needs.

Like other services, WP Buffs offers 24/7 uptime monitoring and emergency support, to ensure that you’re always up and running. It also provides daily backups, while updating WordPress, themes, and plugins every week.

Weekly reports are another nice feature, so you can see exactly what you’re paying for and how much time you’re saving to devote elsewhere. Higher-tier plans include advanced security, speed optimization, and more.

Key Features:

  • 24/7 monitoring
  • Daily backups
  • Weekly updates
  • Weekly reports

Price: Plans start at $79 per month.



Web321 offers two WordPress care packages to choose from based on your needs. The $321 per month plan provides full website maintenance including daily backups, weekly updates, uptime monitoring, and priority support.

The $123 per month WordPress support plan is more budget-friendly, with weekly backups, monthly updates, and standard support response times. Both plans provide access to WordPress experts for fixes and improvements beyond routine maintenance.

In addition to support, Web321 does web design. Web321 takes WordPress themes and makes them uniquely tailored to client needs. With flexible options at different price points, Web321 is a great choice for WordPress users looking for ongoing maintenance and support.

Key Features:

  • Daily or weekly backups
  • Weekly or monthly updates
  • Uptime monitoring
  • Standard or priority support

Price: Plans start at $123 per month.



SiteCare offers a baseline level of maintenance services, including updates and performance optimization. However, this service’s real selling point is its extensive support options.

Do you need the expertise of a developer to perfect your site? Could your SEO use a boost? Maybe you want some one-on-one counseling to learn new ways to improve your website.

If so, SiteCare has experts in these fields and more standing by ready to assist. If you are in the market for a WordPress maintenance service, but could also benefit from the assistance of professional developers and marketers to upgrade your website, SiteCare can be a solid pick.

This is a great option for independent webmasters and small teams that don’t have full-time developers, engineers, and a marketing team on their payrolls.

Key Features:

  • Daily updates
  • Daily monitoring
  • Audit logging

Price: Plans start at $990 per year.



Maintainn offers basic maintenance services at a low cost. If you are looking for weekly updates, daily backups, and 24/7 security monitoring, you’ll be hard-pressed to find lower prices.

If you need a higher level of support or have multiple sites, Maintainn’s Professional and Enterprise tiers have you covered. Although not included in its subscription plans, Maintainn also offers design, development, and hosting services if you are looking for additional help beyond routine maintenance.

Maintainn is a good choice for simple websites that want basic maintenance, with the option of extra support if needed.

Key Features:

  • 24/7 monitoring
  • Weekly updates
  • Daily backups

Price: Plans start at $49 per month.


Total WP Support

Total WP Support offers a solid base of maintenance services, including multi-layered security, email and chat support, updates, backups, and monitoring. Plus, the Premium and Professional plans include small development and publishing tasks.

This is a great option for small teams and independent webmasters who might need help with minor improvements to their sites. For a very affordable cost, you can get daily maintenance and monthly assistance with small development tasks that might be too technical or specific for you or your team.

If you need more support, Total WP offers additional development time at a reasonable cost.

Key Features:

  • 24/7 monitoring
  • Regular updates
  • Malware scans
  • Database optimization

Price: Plans start at $49 per month.


Newt Labs

Newt Labs is a UK-based company with standard maintenance offerings, in addition to unlimited small website fixes included in its Core plan. This is a great value for handling all your updates, daily backups, and 24/7 monitoring, with the added peace of mind that you have support standing by for minor issues that come up.

Newt Labs charges additional fees for cleanups and fixes beyond what is included in your plan. However, with no contracts and a 30-day money-back guarantee, this service has a lot to offer at a reasonable price.

Key Features:

  • 24/7 monitoring
  • Regular updates
  • Daily backups
  • Unlimited small fixes

Price: Plans start at £59 per month (about $79).


GoDaddy doesn’t provide a traditional maintenance service, but it does offer WordPress Premium Support. This is a subscription service designed to give you quick access to support when you need to fix problems with your site. It also includes backups each time a task is started.

If you need development support, database management, or a website evaluation, GoDaddy has you covered. This is a good option if you have a list of non-urgent improvements you would like to make over time, and want the option of emergency support at an additional fee.

If you require more regular maintenance, however, you’ll need to look elsewhere.

Key Features:

  • Monthly allotment of support services
  • Quick help with WordPress-related issues

Price: Plans start at $49.99 per month.


If you are tired of spending hours on mundane upkeep tasks or need expert help improving your WordPress website, a maintenance service can help you take the hassle out of running your site. Choosing the right service is important, so consider the strengths of each option above to determine which one will best suit your needs in 2023.

Do you need help maintaining and choosing the right plugins for your website? We’re here to carry out WordPress Support.

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