ETModules Icon Cheatsheet

by | Aug 23, 2021 | Business | 0 comments

Here’s a short cheatsheet of Elegant Theme’s Divi icons:

/************************************ MENU ICONS **********************************/
 /*** QUOTE MARKS ***/ .et-icon-1 a:before { content: "\7c"; }
 /*** CLOCK FACE ***/ .et-icon-2 a:before { content: "\7d"; }
 /*** CLOSED PADLOCK ***/ .et-icon-3 a:before { content: "\7e"; }
 /*** KEY ***/ .et-icon-4 a:before { content: "\e001"; }
 /*** CLOUD ***/ .et-icon-5 a:before { content: "\e002"; }
 /*** LANDSCAPE IMAGE ICON ***/ .et-icon-6 a:before { content: "\e005"; }
 /*** LIGHTBULB ***/ .et-icon-7 a:before { content: "\e007"; }
 /*** CAMERA ***/ .et-icon-8 a:before { content: "\e00f"; }
 /*** ENVELOPE ***/ .et-icon-9 a:before { content: "\e010"; }
 /*** CREDIT CARD ***/ .et-icon-10 a:before { content: "\e014"; }
 /*** SHOPPING CART ***/ .et-icon-11 a:before { content: "\e015"; }
 /*** LOCATION PIN ***/ .et-icon-12 a:before { content: "\e01d"; }
 /*** CALENDAR ***/ .et-icon-13 a:before { content: "\e023"; }
 /*** CONTACTS BOOK ***/ .et-icon-14 a:before { content: "\e026"; }
 /*** HEART ***/ .et-icon-15 a:before { content: "\e030"; }
 /*** COFFEE CUP ***/ .et-icon-16 a:before { content: "\e105"; }
 /*** WALLET ***/ .et-icon-17 a:before { content: "\e100"; }
 /*** BRIEFCASE ***/ .et-icon-18 a:before { content: "\e0fe"; }
 /*** STAR ***/ .et-icon-19 a:before { content: "\e031"; }
 /*** HOME ***/ .et-icon-20 a:before { content: "\e009"; }
 /*** LINK CHAIN ***/ .et-icon-21 a:before { content: "\e02c"; }
 /*** LIKE THUMBS UP ***/ .et-icon-22 a:before { content: "\e106"; }
 /*** HOURGLASS ***/ .et-icon-23 a:before { content: "\e0e1"; }
 /*** PIE CHART ***/ .et-icon-24 a:before { content: "\e029"; }
/************************************* END *****************************************/

Here’s what they look like:

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