Web321 Won the 2023 ICCC-KFC Recipe For Success

by | Apr 14, 2023 | Business

We’re excited to share that we won the $30,000 CAD grant through the ICCC-KFC Recipe for Success Program! Thank you to Inner City Capital Connections and KFCCanada for the opportunity to participate in the ICCC program and receive this grant. We look forward to using it to help our business continue to grow!

The Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) is a nonprofit organization based in Boston, Massachusetts. Their mission is to drive economic prosperity in under-resourced communities by supporting and promoting inner-city businesses.

Inner City Capital Connections (ICCC) is one of several programs offered by ICIC. It was launched in 2005 to address the specific challenges faced by small business owners in inner-city areas, such as limited access to capital, networks, and business expertise.

The ICCC program is open to businesses of all industries and stages, from early-stage startups to established companies. However, the program prioritizes businesses that are based in or serve under-resourced communities, employ a diverse workforce, and have a demonstrated commitment to social impact.

The program is entirely tuition-free for accepted participants, thanks to support from corporate and philanthropic partners.

The curriculum for the ICCC program covers a wide range of business topics, including strategy, marketing, finance, operations, and leadership. Participants are encouraged to select the modules that are most relevant to their business goals and challenges. In addition to the online learning modules and coaching, the program also includes peer networking opportunities and access to a national alumni network.

According to ICIC, businesses that complete the ICCC program see a massive average revenue growth within two years. In addition, participants have reported increased confidence, improved strategic thinking, and expanded networks as a result of the program. We can attest to that. The program helped us build new skills, answer provocative questions about business and our business model. As part of the course work, our CEO, Erin DeWolfe, built a winning slide deck to speak to the course of our business and our plans for the future!

If you’re a small business owner, we encourage you to learn more and apply for the ICCC Recipe for Success Program here: apply.iccapitalconnections.org!

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